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How to use this service Roll over courses to a new recruitment cycle

At the beginning of July each year, we copy your courses over from one recruitment cycle to the next. This means you can update courses from the previous cycle, rather than having to create new ones.

Recruitment cycle

The year in which candidates are applying for courses and recruited, for example, ‘Recruitment cycle 2023 to 2024’.

Academic year

The year that follows the recruitment cycle in which candidates start their training, for example, ‘Academic year 2024 to 2025’.

Publishing rolled over courses

We’ll email you at the beginning of July to let you know when we’ve rolled over your courses.

There’ll be an additional section in Publish teacher training courses called ‘Recruitment cycles’ where you can manage rolled over courses for the new cycle. You’ll be able to:

  • add courses
  • edit courses
  • remove courses

When your course is ready, you can publish it. It will not go live on Find postgraduate teacher training (Find) straight away. Instead, the course will be ‘Scheduled’ until Find opens at the beginning of October. Candidates will then be able to search for your course.